Friday, December 28, 2012

Kadomatsu Workshop

Our first Kadomatsu Workshop was a tremendous success! Thanks to everyone who joined us to enjoy the morning creating their special arrangement. Our Staff and volunteers were happy to assist with making this terrific workshop possible. There was a lot of focus but even more fun! Each final arrangement was beautiful! We look forward to seeing everyone next year to celebrate the New Year with your own kadomatsu! 

See more photos from the workshop here.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

December in the Garden

We welcomed many guests to the Garden this morning! Thank you for stopping by. It was a simply beautiful morning. The temps are cooler, the sun feels warm and pleasant, and a feeling of calm wraps around you as you stroll the path. Looking forward to entertaining holiday guests? Think about visiting the Garden! Looking for gift ideas? How about Garden Membership or Gift Cards for Tea Ceremony? We hope to see everyone on the path soon!

japanese garden arizona

See more photos here.